NextJS Portfolio Site

February 13, 2022

Hi All,

After two years, I decided it was time to give my personal website an overhaul.


  • NextJs
  • Sanity CMS
  • Tailwind
  • Netlify

I've been enjoying working with this stack lately. I was a little apprehensive about Tailwind at first, but after working with it recently on a few projects, I can safely say that I am a fan. On the previous version of my site, I used NetlifyCMS, and while I didn't have issues with that, SanityCMS has just been a blast to work with. With their robust plugin system, community Slack, and impressive documentation, it is currently my go-to CMS.

I plan on writing more about the inner workings of this site in the future, but for now, take a look and let me know what you think. Any feedback is appreciated :)